Schlumberger NV Reports Impressive Financial Results for Q4 2023

Jan 19 2024 12:00 AM IST
Schlumberger NV, a leading contract drilling company, has reported positive financial results for the quarter ending September 2023. The company's operating profit to interest ratio has improved, while profit before tax and profit after tax have seen significant increases. Net sales, operating profit, and earnings per share have also shown positive trends. Additionally, the company has reduced its debt and has a high inventory turnover ratio.

Schlumberger NV, a leading company in the contract drilling industry, has recently announced its financial results for the quarter ending September 2023. The company has shown positive performance in this quarter, with several key financial indicators on the rise.

One of the notable achievements for Schlumberger NV is its operating profit to interest ratio, which has been the highest in the last five periods at 20.39 times. This indicates the company’s ability to manage its interest payments has improved. Additionally, the profit before tax less other income (PBT) has grown by 31.2% over the average PBT of the previous four periods, showing a very positive trend in the near term.

The company’s profit after tax (PAT) has also seen a significant increase of 24.3% over the average PAT of the previous four periods. This is another positive sign for Schlumberger NV, with the near term PAT trend also being very positive. Furthermore, the net sales for this quarter were the highest in the last five periods at USD 8,315 MM, with a positive trend in the near term.

In terms of profitability, Schlumberger NV has shown impressive results with its operating profit (PBDIT) being the highest at USD 2,182 MM in the last five periods. The PBT and PAT were also the highest in the last five periods, indicating a positive trend in the near term. The company has also created higher earnings for its shareholders, with the earnings per share (EPS) being the highest at USD 0.78 in the last five periods.

Another positive aspect for Schlumberger NV is its debt-equity ratio, which has been the lowest in the last five half yearly periods at 0.49 times. This shows that the company has been reducing its borrowing compared to its equity capital. Additionally, the inventory turnover ratio has been the highest at 7.44 times in the last five half yearly periods, indicating that the company has been able to sell its inventory at a faster rate.

Overall, Schlumberger NV has shown strong financial performance in the quarter ending September 2023, with positive trends in key financial indicators. The company’s ability to manage its interest payments, increase in profitability, and efficient inventory turnover are all positive signs for its investors and stakeholders.

Schlumberger NV
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Stock Info
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